Optimally Controlled Quantum Information Processing on Single-Molecule Magnets

Optimally Controlled Quantum Information Processing on Single-Molecule Magnets (Theory & programming)
Strasbourg, France

Location: Strasbourg, Institute of Physics and Chemistry of Materials of Strasbourg (IPCMS)
Contact person: Prof. Paul-Antoine Hervieux
Group website: Quantum dynamics of nano objects
Description: This project forms part of a collaboration with chemists and experimentalists in Karlsruhe (KIT), with the aim of realizing quantum computing applications using single molecule magnets. Specifically, we focus on the theoretical modelling of higher-dimensional qudits that arise from the nuclear spins (and the associated hyperfine interaction) of rare-earth atoms embedded in these molecules. Addressing and manipulation of individual hyperfine states can be performed using microwave electric pulses. The latter can be shaped using optimal control techniques for quantum optimization and will enable faster, more noise-robust or low-consumption logical gates. The objective of the internship is to study this issue theoretically using different optimal control techniques.

Prerequisite knowledge: Good knowledge of Python and/or Mathematica and/or Matlab, good knowledge of linear algebra, quantum mechanics (ideally, but not strictly required, density matrix formalism and Louiville equations).
Internship period and planned duration: 6 months, March to August, anywhere in between for shorter internships.