Atomic-scale physics of quantum-photon sources

Atomic-scale physics of quantum-photon sources (Experimental)
Strasbourg, France

Location: IPCMS, University of Strasbourg, France
Contact person: Dr. Guillaume Schull
Group website: STM Group
Description: The objective of this internship is to characterize the emission statistics of single chromophore molecules acting as quantum-photon sources (SPSs). SPSs are systems capable of emitting photons one by one and are of major importance for quantum-information science and applications. Many fundamental questions related to the impact of their environment on their quantum properties remain to be explored. To this end, a novel nanophotonic approach based on a scanning probe microscope will be used that provides simultaneous spatial, spectral and temporal resolution. This project fits into the larger framework of the European ERC project APOGEE within the STM team of the IPCMS and may be pursue by a PhD project

Prerequisite knowledge: The candidate should have knowledge’s in light-matter interactions and/or condensed mater physics.
Internship period and planned duration: 4-6 months