Spin cleaning of Li atomic cloud

Spin cleaning of Li atomic cloud (Experimental)
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Location: University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Contact person: Prof. Rene Gerritsma
Group website: Hybrid atom-ion Quantum Systems
Description: Hybrid experiments combining trapped ions with ultracold atoms offer intriguing prospects for buffer gas cooling, quantum simulation of condensed matter/many-body systems as well as for state-to-state quantum chemistry. Combining both atoms and ions is not a trivial task, yet in our experimental system consisting of an Yb-ion in a bath of lithium atoms we have been able to reach the regime where quantum effects emerge. For tuning interactions in our Yb+-Li setup, it is important to have spin polarized samples of Lithium in one of the three lowest Zeeman spin states. In this project you will work on creating these samples by implementing purification steps after the evaporation stage where we end up with a Li mixture consisting of the two lowest Zeeman spin states. You will align, program, and characterize resonant laser pulses which remove unwanted spin states. To ensure the frequency of these pulses you will build-up a modulation transfer spectroscopy setup to lock the laser. Furthermore, you will work with RF pulses in order to transfer population between the different spin states.

Prerequisite knowledge: Atomic physics, affinity with experiments and working with lasers
Internship period and planned duration:Winter/Spring 2022, 4-6 months