Greenhouse gas detection with optical fiber microcavities

Greenhouse gas detection with optical fiber microcavities (experimental)
Paris, France

Location: ENS, Paris, France
Contact person: Prof. Jakob Reichel
Group website: Atom Chips
Description: The subject of this internship is to set up a trace gas detector based on a FFP (Fiber Fabry Perot) cavity, test it with different methods of cavity-enhanced spectroscopy. This will provide a proof of principle test of FFP trace gas detectors. Depending on progress, it will yield valuable information about the achievable detection limit and the properties of FFP gas detectors compared to existing technologies. During this internship the student will be part of a small and highly motivated team in an inspiring international research environment and will have the opportunity to gain experience in optics, lasers, cavities, spectroscopy and project management.

Prerequisite knowledge: Quantum physics
Internship period and planned duration: 4-6 months (flexible)