Machine learning interface for the Strasbourg quantum simulator

Machine learning interface for the Strasbourg quantum simulator (quantum software)
Strasbourg, France

Location: ISIS, University of Strasbourg, France
Contact person: Prof. Shannon Whitlock
Group website: Exotic Quantum Matter
Description: The objective of this internship is to start to integrate a new control program for our state-of-the art quantum simulator based on Rydberg atoms which will enable continuous feedback control of experimental parameters. The student will (i) develop an overall framework for experimental control based on the labscript suite ( and interface it with python based machine learning and quantum control toolboxes, (ii) develop modules for controlling key components such as the acousto-optical modulators and microwave fields for manipulating qubits, and (iii) demonstrate coherent control over atomic qubits using automatically optimized control waveforms via a high-level (remote) interface.

Prerequisite knowledge: Python programming. Some knowledge of experimental control and automation systems would be beneficial.
Internship period and planned duration: 4-6 months between February and October 2022