Modeling of single molecule qudits for quantum algorithms

Modelling of single molecule qudits for quantum algorithms (Theory)
Strasbourg, France

Location: IPCMS, University of Strasbourg, France
Contact person: Prof. Paul-Antoine Hervieux, Prof. Mario Ruben
Group website: Theoretical quantum dynamics of nano objects
Description: This project forms part of a collaboration with chemists and experimentalists in Karlsruhe, with the aim of realising quantum computing applications using single molecule magnets. Specifically, we focus on the theoretical modelling of higher-dimensional qudits that arise from the nuclear spins of rare-earth atoms embedded in these molecules. The objective of this internship is to make the link between the pulse-level Hamiltonian and the matrix formalism of qudit gates, in order to assist with the experimental implementation of quantum algorithms.

Prerequisite knowledge: Good knowledge of Python and/or Mathematica and/or Matlab, good knowledge of linear algebra, quantum mechanics (ideally, but not strictly required, density matrix formalism and Louiville equations)
Internship period and planned duration:March to August for 6 month internships, anywhere in between for shorter internships