Molecular quantum simulator

Molecular quantum simulator (theory)
Strasbourg, France

Location: ISIS, University of Strasbourg, France
Contact person: Prof. Shannon Whitlock and Dr. Tom Bienaime
Group website: Exotic Quantum Matter
Description: Interacting molecular systems are notoriously difficult to understand due to their coupled electronic and vibrational degrees of freedom and the strong interplay with the environment. In this project you will work closely with an experimental team to elaborate a novel concrete theoretical proposal for quantum simulation of molecular dynamics in arrays of ultacold atomic ensembles. You will realize a mapping between the dynamics of a microscopic ensemble of three-level atoms under Rydberg blockade conditions to a dissipative spin-boson model (a paradigmatic model in molecular physics) and simulate how the competition between fast vibrational relaxation and dipolar interactions between ensembles can be used to simulate ultrafast energy transfer processes of relevance in e.g., photosynthesis. This will open up new applications of Rydberg quantum simulators for key problems in molecular physics, chemistry and biophysics.

Prerequisite knowledge: Light-matter interactions, open quantum systems. Some experience with numerical simulation, e.g. using QuTip is a plus.
Internship period and planned duration: 2-4 months between February and October 2022