Optimized quantum circuit simulators with matrix product states

Optimized quantum circuit simulators with matrix product states (Theory/Quantum software)
Strasbourg, France

Location: ISIS, University of Strasbourg, France
Contact person: Dr. Johannes Schachenmayer
Group website: Quantum Matter Theory
Description: Matrix Product States (MPS) are a numerical technique that allow to efficiently simulate dynamics of quantum systems of 100s of qubits in scenarios where quantum entanglement is limited (e.g. by noise). So far, MPS techniques are optimized for simulating Hamiltonian dynamics, i.e. for simulating physics. Goal of this project is to test and compare MPS methods for simulating quantum circuits. The intern should produce an MPS circuit simulation code that takes quantum circuits written in a common quantum language (e.g. QISKIT) as input.

Prerequisite knowledge: Strong knowledge in code development (ideally: Julia), Basics of open quantum systems
Internship period and planned duration:5 months (flexible)