Quantum simulation of spin transport with Rydberg atoms

Quantum simulation of spin transport with Rydberg atoms (experimental)
Heidelberg, Germany

Location:University of Heidelberg, Germany
Contact person Prof. Matthias Weidemüller
Group website: Quantum Dynamics group
Description: A key feature for experiments simulating quantum spin systems is the tunability of the nature of the interaction between the spins. We use laser-cooled Rydberg atoms to implement such a tunable spin system by periodic application of specific sequences of short microwave pulses. This allows us to engineer interaction Hamiltonians with different symmetries in order to investigate how spin transport is affected by these symmetries. The goal of this project is to implement the protocol for generating the corresponding pulses and electric fields needed to study spin transport.

Prerequisite knowledge: Knowledge of quantum mechanics, basic knowledge of programming and electronics, experience with cold-atom experiments
Internship period and planned duration: 3 months between February and October 2022