Single-atom fluorescence detection for quantum simulation

Single-atom fluorescence detection for quantum simulation (experimental)
Paris, France

Location: ENS, Paris, France
Contact person: Prof. Jakob Reichel
Group website: Atom Chips
Description: The subject of this internship is to set up and test a new, robust and sensitive scheme for detecting the state of individual qubit atoms by background-free fluorescence detection. The core idea is that excitation and fluorescence emission occur at different wavelengths so they can be easily separated and the detection is not polluted by scattered excitation light. During this internship the student will be part of a small and highly motivated team in an inspiring international research environment and will have the opportunity to gain experience in optics, lasers, cavities, and cold atom physics.

Prerequisite knowledge: Quantum physics
Internship period and planned duration: 4-6 months (flexible)