Quantum photonics with colour centres in diamond

Quantum photonics with colour centres in diamond (Experimental)
Troyes, France

Location: Laboratory Light, nanomaterials and nanotechnologies – L2n, University of Technology of Troyes-UTT CNRS EMR7004
Contact person: Prof. Christophe Couteau
Group website: Lab website
Description: This project will consist in studying the coupling of light and matter between nanostructures such as nanocrystals and nanodiamonds and optical waveguides. This project aims at using a microphotoluminescence experiment for the study of nanostructures. Such an experiment will enable us to study single nanostructures as single photon sources. Using a pump laser, we will be able to excite a single nanostructure and then study the spectroscopic properties of such a system. In this project, the microphotoluminescence set-up will have to be able to perform at room temperatures as well as down to liquid helium (5 K). With such an experiment, we will be able to study specific properties of coupled nanostructures such as the coupling of a single nanocrystal with an optical waveguide. The waveguides are made of glass where the guiding is realized through a process of ion-exchange giving rise to a waveguiding region.

Prerequisite knowledge: a physics background is required and knowledge in quantum physics, quantum technologies, photonics is desirable and knowledge of experimental optics is a bonus
Internship period and planned duration: duration can be adapted from 2 to 6 months and the period can be any day, on demand.