High resolution imaging of trapped ions

High resolution imaging of trapped ions (Experimental)
Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Location: Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Contact person: Dr. Rianne S. Lous
Group website: SintAQS
Description: Trapped ions are among the world-leading qubit platforms and prime candidates for quantum computations. In our group we are building a new experimental setup in which we will combine trapped ions with ultracold atoms. To fully benefit from the exquisite properties of the ion as a qubit, we will need an optimized detection system to read out its state. In this project, you will design, build and test an imaging setup with high numerical aperture to collect as much fluorescence from singly trapped ions as it is feasible in this setup. This will enable our measurements on the interactions between a single ion and a bath of atoms. Among others you will work on the lens system, laser-addressing of the ion and the read-out of PMT and camera. In this project you will gain experience on AMO physics, working with trapped ions, imaging techniques and lasers/optics.

Prerequisite knowledge: atomic physics, experimental physics courses
Internship period and planned duration: 4-6 months, starting from: Summer/Autumn 2023