Single qubit operations on ultracold strontium atoms

Single qubit operations on ultracold strontium atoms (Experimental)
Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Location: Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Contact person: Dr. Rianne S. Lous
Group website:
Description: A neutral atom based quantum-coprocessor is being developed at the CQT group. To realize this, single strontium atoms are being trapped in space and cooled down to sub-µK temperatures. This requires varies laser cooling techniques like Zeeman slowing, laser deflection, magneto-optical trapping and optical dipole traps. During this project you will gain experience with the experimental construction and implementation of these various techniques.  After the Sr atoms are cooled and trapped, qubit states are encoded on the electronic energy levels of these atoms, which can be addressed with laser light. In strontium, the so-called clock state will be used, which requires the tuning of an ultra-stable laser with sub-Hz linewidth. This project will involve the designing and experimental implementation of these single qubit gate laser pulses.

Prerequisite knowledge: atomic physics, experimental physics courses
Internship period and planned duration: 4-6 months, starting from: Summer/Autumn 2023